The horse reared in fright as the shrouded man walked unexpectedly onto the path and startled it. ‘Ho there,’ cried the carriage driver, struggling to regain control of his animal. ‘What devil does such a thing! What do you think you are doing suddenly appearing like that?’
‘In peace, I am no devil, moreover, if there were a demon it is within your hand, creating a rein of terror upon unsuspecting travellers,’ answered the man.
‘You are either a sage or a simpleton, speaking as you do,’ said the carriage driver. ‘The former, I’ll wager, for any fool can see that this powerful horse has been finely trained and is well harnessed.’
‘Of what good is the strength of a horse and the control of a harness, if the direction of the will guiding the driver’s hand is elsewhere?’ said the sage. ‘It is clear that you are on this road against your will.’
For the rest of this Story see The Teachings of Billionaire Yen Tzu Volume I - Lesson 5 - it is worth reading to the end I promise.
According to Yen Tzu "Our will is the greatest power available to us and the very element that determines our success or failure. Will is the basis of our power of constancy, the virtue that encapsulates our tenacity, steadfastness, determination, resolution, perseverance, and fortitude; the basis of our zeal, faithfulness and devotion to that which is important to us."
I would love to be able to tap into my willpower. The will to be a better person, lose weight, stop spending too much money. I am hoping that this Lesson 5 is going to give me some tips on how to do these things. I will let you know how it goes.