Friday, 11 December 2009

HOLDING THE CARP Cultivating Your Superconscious

To be out of Trader’s City and fishing feels good,’ exclaimed Su-Lei, ‘it was a fine idea of yours. Let us hope the carp are as big here as you say.’
‘Of course they are,’ said Wing, ‘for carp are like ideas. They expand in relation to their limitations. They grow twice as big in a large lake such as this one, as they do when they are contained.’
‘But we have some enormous carp that swim in a tank at our House of Trade,’ protested Su-Lei.
‘Ah, but they are imported from the lakes,’ answered his friend, ‘like imported ideas to have around us. Their spawn stay small because of their contained environment, like so many conditioned ideas.’
Su-Lei cast his line across the lake as he considered his friend’s words. ‘Though we are good at getting on with things, it is true we lack some bright ideas. Sometimes we get one but...look! I have hooked a big one.’ Su-Lei excitedly pulled in his line,which was taut as the large fish strained to free itself.
Holding it still in his hands a few minutes later to remove his hook, the captive suddenly jumped, slipping out of his hands and back in the water before he could stop it. ‘It’s gone, I had it and lost it and it was a good one too,’ said Su-Lei with
‘Were you still talking about your ideas, or your fish,’ offered a bemused Wing.

You can read the rest of this story in Volume II of The Teachings of Billionaire Yen Tzu Lesson 10.

In the words of Yen Tzu... "Genius is considered rare, simply because Man is not
consciously aware that he has the capacity for it. Yet everyone without exception has had an idea come to them and done nothing about it, only to see its physical reality months, or years, later. That experience alone signifies that each of us has a connection to a wider world than just our conscious mind.
There is an inexhaustible wealth of potential within us, just waiting to be tapped into."

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