You must ask yourself why you behave as you do in order to stop wasting your natural forces,’ said Yen Tzu to Merchant Wong.
‘But I do get nervous over forthcoming events. How should I act when attending them?’ continued to ask the pupil.
‘There was once a scorpion,’ began the Patriarch in answer, ‘who, in desiring to cross a river, asked a duck to ferry him over on her back. The duck replied that if it were to do such a foolish thing, the scorpion would undoubtedly kill her with a lethal sting.
‘That’s nonsense,’ the scorpion argued, ‘for if I did, what would save me from drowning? You have my most solemn word and sincere promise that I will not repay your kindness with such an act.’
Allowing herself to be persuaded by the scorpion’s entreaties, the duck permitted the scorpion to climb on her back. But they were only halfway across the river when she felt the cruel sting of the scorpion’s tail...
to read the rest of this story see The Teachings of Billionaire Yen Tzu - Vol II Lesson II
Yen Tzu later goes on to comment that ...
The way we presently behave is the only way we can, because our behaviour is determined by our psychic level. We cannot act above that level, for we are that level. But it is possible to raise our level, indeed it is our nature to do so.
In understanding that all things behave according to their nature we can learn to see things as they should be. It requires clearing our minds of whatever has no right to be there, in order to have a clear path home. But it is here we hit a fundamental difficulty. For it is often the weight of our responsibilities that block our way.
Who we are and how we behave not only affects us but also our friends and family. Following your true nature means thinking in a different way to normal and seeing a different view of ourselves.
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